Are you a good friend?
You may need to repair, or replace, friendships as you age. But do keep in mind that friendships can, however, become thicker than water...
Let it go! It’s time to downsize your home
As a senior, your current space might be more than what you actually need, especially now that the kids are grown and out for...
Feel-good kaftans
What is the very best feeling in the world? Getting home, throwing off your street clothes, and slipping into a caftan. The freedom that...
Crock-Pot dessert recipes that won’t disappoint
We typically use slow cookers or Crock-Pots for soups, stews, meats; they have been the center of kitchen get-togethers, tailgating parties, and cookouts for...
We love poetry…Mother Africa by Karen Mariano Bryson
Mother Africa
The continent is called Africa.
Mother Africa’s reign is the past.
Her promise, the future.
Africa’s will has always been strong.
Its pulchritude the rich soil, a...
3 Smart Ways to Boost Home Curb Appeal
Taking steps to boost curb appeal makes good sense for any homeowner. Not only does it help make a great first impression on guests...
“First Lady of Motown” Claudette Robinson is now living happily ever after
Once upon a time there was a beautiful young maiden who joined a singing group as its only female member. She wound up marrying...
Blue Magic’s Wendell Sawyer discusses the magic of the blue
Let’s take a trip back to the 70s. A Philly group is producing emotionally powerful ballads--Sideshow, Spell, What’s Come Over Me, Three Ring Circus,...
We remember… Eartha Kitt, our favorite sex kitten
Classic TV programs like The Flip Wilson Show, Sanford and Son, and Good Times, kept us glued to our small screens. These types of...
Black History Month: Are you Black enough? Take this quiz and find out
During Black History Month, we focus our historical hindsight on the contributions that people of African descent have made in this country. The celebration...
Black History Month 2020: African Americans and the vote
It is Black History Month! Every year in February, we celebrate the countless contributions we've made throughout history even as we struggle to gain...
Black History Month: African American inventors who have made our lives easier
We are movers and shakers, despite all of the obstacles that have been thrown our way over time. We celebrate the inventive heroism of...