Get to know the sisterfriend publishers

Over thirty years ago, four young Black women met while working at ESSENCE Magazine. The sisterfriends stayed in touch throughout the years, even as each ventured into furthering career interests at other companies. The accomplished group of editors/writers would oftentimes meet at eateries several times a year to catch up on life. As time progressed, there was one consistent theme in their conversation which was, how one can age gracefully and soulfully in a society that worships youth; this is how was born. We are a fabulous sisterpower collective who decided to publish a monthly lifestyle publication for our aging African American community of 50-plus folks that informs, inspires, and empowers. We pray you enjoy our monthly labor of love….

Ruth Manuel-Logan

Ruth Manuel-Logan is 50BOLD’s Editor-in-Chief. A seasoned writer, Ruth’s articles have run the gamut and have appeared in such print and online publications as Harper’s Bazaar, ESSENCE, News One, MODE, Reality Tea, AdWeek, Woman’s Day, Better Homes and Gardens and to name a few. On the flip side, Ruth also loves cars and is known as the Car Chick. She has also written automotive reviews for a host of industrial publications. Be on the lookout for an interesting mixed bag of features coming your way from her.

Angela Kinamore

Angela Kinamore is 50BOLD’s poetry and features editor. She is a writer whose articles have appeared in such publications as ESSENCE Magazine and African Voices. Angela is the author of the chapbook CROSSROADS and co-author of the poetry book THREE WOMEN BLACK (Guild Press, MN). A gifted poet who has conducted various readings and workshops throughout the country, Angela is currently completing a science fiction novel entitled, Rise of the Zakadarian Warriors and we can’t wait!

Judyth Watson-Remy

Judyth Watson-Remy is 50BOLD’s features editor. Judy is also a writer whose articles have appeared in ESSENCE, MODE, Sister2Sister, and many other magazines. In addition, as our resident photographer, Judy has a great eye for capturing the world in a unique and creative way. She also literally devours books and has a thang for urban art.

Karen J. Halliburton

Karen Halliburton is 50BOLD’s features and sex editor. Karen’s articles have graced the pages of ESSENCE, Mirabella, Heart & Soul, Chocolate Singles, Sister2Sister, DIVERSION:  For Physicians at Leisure and other publications. She is also the author of You Know, a book of truthspeak poetry. Passionate about global goings-on as they pertain to our people, Karen is a BOLD sistah who will tell it like it truly is, and without any reservations at all!