raccoon eyes

Home fixes for under-eye dark circles

Under-eye dark circles also referred to as raccoon eye, are a common issue that both older men and women struggle with daily. Since these...

Kick your bra to the curb and #freethenipple

Most women will agree with this statement--bras are instruments of torture! If you are over 50, you have been condemned to decades of bras...

Summer entertaining tips for ‘Bridgerton’ fans

If you’re among the millions of fans of the Netflix hit series Bridgerton, or of the novels that inspired it, you know that society’s...
tree backyard

We love poetry by Sherline Heriveaux

God is the Tree in My Backyard   God is the tree in my backyard. When I smile, it smiles back. And when I wave, the green leaves shake. When I...

Brenda Russell is our national treasure

Vocalist, songwriter, musician, and producer extraordinaire Brenda Russell is truly our national treasure. She is one of the few creatives who have skillfully managed...
bill kicking

We remember Bill “Bojangles” Robinson

Growing up, I had a few favorite movie musicals like The Sound of Music, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  I...
black man

Growing up fatherless doesn’t make me less of a man

According to Statista.com, over 4 million Black children in the U.S. are being raised by single mothers, and all I can say is “color...

Aging penis blues and what you can expect

The aging process pretty cruel to men especially when it comes to sexuality. When men are young, they aren’t told that their penises are...

“Fritz was the father I never had…”

Over 57 percent of Black children live in a home without the presence of a father. The statistic is devastating. In our community, if...

Natural home remedies that can lower blood sugar

On average, 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. Sadly, African Americans are more likely to develop diabetes than whites and twice...

All about dentures, do you need them?

Dentures are more popular than you might think and, contrary to popular belief, are worn by adults as young as 40. According to the...
dog owner

How to cope with the loss of a beloved pet

The connections we tend to make with our pets are deep and lasting. When these devoted family members pass away, the grieving process can...