Make a few extra dollars by making your home work for you!
Sometimes a social security check every month just isn't financially enough. If your monthly bill paying is leaving you with practically zilch, then why...
Denise Gordon brings Kenya to America via her fashion line
“A product divine in nature, helping women feel whole, remembered, mature, protected, spiritual, and fashionable with her shape and age in mind.”
That’s the goal...
Ways to boost your home’s curb appeal
When it comes to your home, you only get one chance to make a great first impression -- and that takes place before anyone...
Home design upgrades that are safe
Some home design upgrades are aesthetic, and others are for function. These ideas, all with better home safety in mind, so there’s no reason...
Pointer Sister, Ruth Pointer says, “Yes I can” to life!
Remember when The Pointer Sisters burst on the scene with their 1973 self-titled debut album where they were pictured sporting 1940’s vintage clothing that...
We still miss our ever-sexy Marvin Gaye!
Far too many lights have been dimmed in our music community by the loss of such icons as Michael, Whitney, Prince; artists such as...
Remembering and Re-Reading Dr. Carter G. Woodson: Envisioning an Emancipatory Education
Clearly, in this important month and historical moment of celebrating Black History through reflective remembrance and recommitment to ever-deeper study and emancipatory practice, our...
Five great ways to earn money by just walking!
Are you a senior who likes to walk and whose wallet is in dire need of some extra bucks? We found five great jobs for...
7 Natural remedies to whiten yellow teeth
Teeth stains and yellowing can happen to anyone, but aging can really bring it on even if your dental hygiene routine s flawless! It...
Protein is a must for older adults
Older adults need to eat more protein-rich foods when losing weight, dealing with a chronic or acute illness, or facing a hospitalization, according to...
“Oh, my aching hands!” Do you have carpal tunnel syndrome?
Betty Jean Randy, 59, is a writer who is on her computer day and night but lately, she can barely stand to type on...
Treat your love to chocolate covered strawberries
There is something so sensuous about eating chocolate covered strawberries. Yet, why do so many folks run out to buy these sweet delectables when...