COPD now afflicts more women than men

Joan Cousins was among a generation of young women who heard — and bought into the idea — that puffing on a cigarette was...

We love wigs, wigs, wigs!

Who is not sporting a wig these days? Everyone is on a mission to seek serious transformation, and a wig will do the trick. Long,...

Understanding gum disease

Carlita Anderson, 58, feared dental visits and would only go if she was having excruciating tooth pain. On one of her rare visits to...

Divorce Court’s Judge Lynn Toler chats with 50BOLD

There is a cadre of TV arbitration-based reality shows that are keeping viewers tuned in for a daily dose of justice. Viewers are so...

Smart money moves to make towards retirement

After the age of 50, you are closer to retirement than ever before so getting serious about securing your financial future should be at...

BernNadette Stanis chats about her journey to now

The first Black female character to play a teenager in a Black family on national television was the talented BernNadette Stanis. She portrayed the...

Festival time! We celebrate the 39th Annual International African Arts

Folks come from miles around to join in celebration of the colorful, artsy and musical vibes of the African diaspora in Brooklyn at the...

8 Beauty and grooming summer essentials for men and women

Baby, it’s hot outside!  When that hot sun is beating down on you, the last thing you need is anything heavy weighing on your...

Her Majesty Motown’s Queen Martha Reeves heats it up with 50BOLD

You may not know her by an early stage name, Martha LaVaille, given to her by an aunt who prophesized her world-renowned fame but...

Dodging dementia: More of us get at least a dozen good, happy years after...

You’ve turned 65 and exited middle age. What are the chances you’ll develop cognitive impairment or dementia in the years ahead? New research about “cognitive...

We love poetry by Barbara Brandon-Croft

Ode to ALT America   A nation built on an insidious lie Its roots concocted of alternative facts A made-up premise where white is supreme Where the “right” complexion...

Road tripping in a 2018 Toyota Camry and C-HR

I’m a SUPER car aficionado and a man who loves a good baseball game. So when I was given the opportunity by Toyota to...