We love…poetry by Louise Eagle

The Best Is Yet to Come Show me a rainbow /that blankets the sky Touch me the clouds / as they amble by Cover me with moonbeams...

Should you take a daily nap?

Russell Wilson, 55, looks forward to coming home for lunch from work every day to take a 20-minute nap. The New York City executive...

Part II: Motown’s Queen Martha Reeves heats it up with 50BOLD

Here is part II of the recent conversation 50BOLD had with Her Majesty Motown’s Queen, Martha Reeves. 50BOLD: When you were on the road can you talk about...

Grown Folks Biz: Legendary makeup meister Reggie Wells just keeps going

Reggie Wells is legendary and don’t get it twisted! He has worked his makeup magic on some of the most celebrated faces like Michelle...

Is your car road trip ready?

The hot weather is here, and you’re revved up to get away from it all but is your car able to make the journey...

Can gratitude really make you healthier?

We've come to learn that gratitude is a key to psychological well-being. Gratitude can make people happier, improve their relationships, and potentially even counteract...

Men’s shapewear is a hot seller

We all know there are women who feel compelled to corral their body fat into a piece of shapewear that can possibly necrotize flesh.  Don't...

50BOLD’s honorary Black person: Jane Fonda

Actress and activist Jane Fonda is 50BOLD's Honorary Black Person. Jane has been an activist for most of her 80 years. During the 1960’s when Jane...

Get your immune-boosting smoothies right here!

If you're short on time in the mornings and just can't whip up a breakfast of champions before heading out the door, why not power...

Adopted: The search for my birth mother

As an adopted child, I searched for my identity and this eventually led to a reunion with my birth mother and to self-discovery as...

COPD now afflicts more women than men

Joan Cousins was among a generation of young women who heard — and bought into the idea — that puffing on a cigarette was...

We love wigs, wigs, wigs!

Who is not sporting a wig these days? Everyone is on a mission to seek serious transformation, and a wig will do the trick. Long,...