A conversation with the eminent Sonia Sanchez

“Sonia Sanchez is a lion in literature’s forest. When she writes she roars, and when she sleeps other creatures walk gingerly,” so said our...

Scary things that happen to your penis as you age

Besides hair loss, gray hair, wrinkles, aches and pains, the aging process is even crueler to men especially when it comes to sexuality. When...

Are you driving while medicated?

Linda Jenkins, 58, was prescribed a calcium channel blocker for her hypertension. Like so many consumers who are on medications, she neglected to speak...

Carolyn Butts builds bridges and fulfills dreams

It takes great tenacity, discipline, and endurance to stay the course to fulfill a mission, and that’s what trailblazer Carolyn Butts, 51, has achieved...

The reluctant fashionista shops men’s sports jackets

No article of clothing resonates better than a sports jacket or blazer. The garment is typically worn without matching pants and fits like a...

Getting naked keeps you happy and healthy

Nudists probably have the right idea as they are, for the most part, free spirits who just don’t mind who peeps. Society as a...

The reluctant fashionista shops men and women’s boots

No one would argue that boots are a hot fashion statement. Whether long or short, as 50BOLD's resident reluctant fashionista, I did the legwork...

The 2017 Optima is the sexy Kia

After receiving a makeover last year, the 2017 Kia Optima managed to keep it's sexy which is a good thing. In addition to eliciting...

Good stuff…Poetry

We Be We BE strength/strong Grade A/original the first dynasty of Mother Earth creators of math/astronomy/medicine/engineering & so forth an AFROCENTRIC phenomenon BEEN here in North America trading gold with Indians long before...

The reluctant fashionista shops outerwear

Outerwear is probably your priciest buy for the season; it’s the centerpiece of your wardrobe. We have seen outerwear style trends come and go,...

Icon: Grace Jones

Our love letter to the beautiful women who blazed a trail to the top of their profession through intelligence, style, grit and uniqueness…  “Ladies and...

Tough job interview questions answered for folks over 50

Job seekers over 50 have a real hard time landing employment.  Many employers are under the impression that this segment of people is either overqualified...