Food safety tips to help you stay healthy
Many of us have broken countless food safety rules and have thought nothing of it. There can’t be a thing wrong with eating a...
Four things to like about the 2018 Buick LaCrosse
I’m sure many of you are old enough to remember that super popular Buick jingle, “wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick.” For many...
How to get hired after age 50
Once you turn the big 5-0 and you’re unemployed finding a job is super challenging! It seems everyone doing the hiring still has Similac...
If you want to live longer try kissing
Interestingly, Andréa Demirjian, author of Kissing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about One of Life's Sweetest Pleasures, believes "a kiss a day really can...
A sister keeps her brother Dwayne “Pearl” Washington’s memory alive
Janie Washington-Bennett is on a mission to keep her beloved legendary brother’s dream alive. The retired educator is the sister of Dwayne “Pearl” Washington...
Diabetes: All about blood sugar level numbers
Diabetes is the scourge of the Black community and there are pretty scary stats that lend credence to this statement. African Americans are almost...
Hair loss: Can the cycle be stopped?
Think hair loss typically only happens to men? Well, think again! Both men and women can experience thinning hair or bald spots on their...
Mornings with my Alzheimer’s-stricken mom
"Ernie let's me watch TV!" I have made it a policy that when I’m caregiving Mommy (Patricia Hill), there is “No television until after...
A mother and son share the realities of his incarceration
The following story is by Undine Lee and Calvin Edwards as told to Angela Kinamore...
I will never forget the devastation I felt as I...
Kevin J. Goff discusses honoring great-grandaunt Hattie McDaniel
Hattie McDaniel was one of the most recognizable Black actresses of her time. She will forever hold the prestigious honor of being the first...
We love…poetry by Louise Eagle
The Best Is Yet to Come
Show me a rainbow /that blankets the sky
Touch me the clouds / as they amble by
Cover me with moonbeams...
Part II: Motown’s Queen Martha Reeves heats it up with 50BOLD
Here is part II of the recent conversation 50BOLD had with Her Majesty Motown’s Queen, Martha Reeves.
50BOLD: When you were on the road can you talk about...