You can make sex fun again
At this stage of our lives, many of us have been married for decades and honestly, at times sex can get scripted and become...
Go light! Tinted moisturizers and BB creams are what’s “in” this summer
Lighten up! Summer is almost here, and it's time to ditch your heavy foundation for the next few months. We all know that sunscreen...
Expert tips for lighting your home’s outdoor spaces
Many homeowners spend time and money perfecting curb appeal, but forget to make it shine at night. Experts say that properly lighting a home...
50BOLD celebrates DanceAfrica 2019 street style!
DanceAfrica is a cultural explosion--vibrant, spectacular, magical and is one of the country’s largest festivals devoted to African dance. It is a yearly event...
How to look polished on any budget
Use these shopping and wardrobe maintenance tips to look amazing on a limited budget:
Clothing Exchange
By hosting a clothing exchange, you won’t need to spend...
We love poetry by Joyce G. Snyder
I Came Here to Fly
Do you think I want to bargain with you over this?
Do you think we can work out a trade?
I give...
Freddie Jackson feels “blessed, so blessed!”
In the 80s and 90s, Freddie Jackson was a true stylistic vanguard of R&B. Most of the songs Freddie sang were odes to love’s...
We Remember…Motown’s Shorty Long
I take great pride in my knowledge of old school music especially since I was raised in Detroit where Motown was born. Imagine my...
The skin bleaching of Black America
For Black Americans, skin color is a complex topic.
Whenever there's a rumor that a Black celebrity has lightened their skin – whether it’s pop...
Sex is possible after heart attack, stroke, diabetes and arthritis
According to sex researchers, many older folks are avoiding sex, and the main reason is due to medical issues. If you are a sex-avoider...
Doctors need to discuss better treatment options for Black men with prostate cancer
African-American men have the highest risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer as well as dying from it compared to any other ethnic group in...
“I could never have children, so thankful Mother’s Day is over!”
Why do I fawn over YOUR child? Probably because I never had one of my own. I might not have been the world’s best...