Mass killings in America: Undiscussed evidence of a sick society

PART 1. We don’t have to be familiar with Frantz Fanon to concede that social conditions create, shape, and even determine social consciousness. Nor...

Stop living paycheck to paycheck!

Approximately 80 percent of folks in this country are living paycheck to paycheck and have zero cash at their disposal if faced with an...

Is your partner abusive?

Folks who abuse come from all walks of life. Abuse also takes on many different forms. A person might be in an abusive relationship...

What seniors need to discuss with their doctors before surgery!

The decision seemed straightforward. Bob McHenry’s heart was failing, and doctors recommended two high-risk surgeries to restore blood flow. Without the procedures, McHenry, 82,...

Flirting tips for seasoned singles

Don’t think for a minute that just because you're no longer 20-something your flirting skills went out with the jheri curl. Flirting is important...

Single Black Seniors Network is headed your way!

If you've been unsuccessful at finding your Mr. or Ms. Right, then perhaps you might want to give the Single Black Seniors Network (SBSN)...

Cooking with animal blood

Many cultures use animal blood when they are whipping up a meal—not just the Maasai (they actually eat and drink it), who extract it...

Combat dark under eye circles with home remedies

Dark under eye circles is one of the most common beauty-related issues that both older men and women struggle with daily. Since the skin...

Tips on how to make your doctor’s visit productive

The older you get, the more doctor visits you'll need, such is life! When you make an appointment to see your healthcare provider, it...

50BOLD summer celebration of color!

The streets were certainly alive this summer with 50BOLDers! Seasoned folks were everywhere doing the damn thang and looking great! I hit the streets to...

Thinking small? Here are 4 things to like about the 2019 Kia Forte

Road behemoths are not for everyone. Some folks prefer more petite packages when it comes to their vehicles.  So, if you’re in the market...

We love poetry by Khephra Burns

Empathy for Fledgling Warblers (for Sister Maya)   Yes, the day is dawning with sun and subtle currents calling calling to these restless wings. Still we cling tightly to the perch. This...