
Many men say

They want a strong woman

When what they really want

Is a submissive woman

She is not I

And I am not she

I am rich in my views

With complicated hues

A foliage of

Empathetic rues

No, I will not bow down to you …


A person who was removed

From a womb like mine

Because she is the real force

Hidden in the earth’s emassed blue

Of rhythm of unequal subdue

Composed of particles

Complacent in their ways

Confident in my choice

Rising with the tides of grace

Humility in the folds of my arms

Without will to surrender

To demands given as if

Of ownership

I am captain

I am queen

I am a sea of possibility


–By Kyoko Heshiimu

Kyoko Heshiimu is a poet and artist who has exhibited artwork and performed her poetry through spoken word at various venues throughout New York City since 2007. She self-published four collections of poetry and illustrated/wrote four children’s books. Kyoko’s poetry focuses on global and political issues associated with women’s struggle and the challenges African Americans face daily by living in a society fraught with deep-seated racism.