What are the warning signs that your elderly loved ones need help?

Anthony Johnston, 62, has become his parent's caregiver. With both his parents in their 80's and experiencing cumulative age-related health changes, their independence is...

Need help for your strictly business love relationship?

As we age, so many things can get in the way of a love relationship especially if a couple has been together for years....

Have you found your soulmate?

It's been said that even before we're born, our spiritual better halves have been determined. We are all supposed to have our perfect match,...

Are you really a good friend?

While losing friends as you get older is a common and difficult reality for many, seniors who make the effort to stay social reap...

It’s National Poetry Month!

Inspired by the success of Black History Month in February and Women’s History Month in March, the Academy of American Poets declared April as...

Poetry…We love Recipe by Dr. Patricia Williams Diaw

Recipe   Preheat a skillet of love Evenly coat the bottom with a few drops of sweetness Chop the following ingredients finely: One clove of bitter experiences 1 cup of painful...