Father’s Day is on June 16th and once again, you are faced with a gift dilemma–what to get a man who has everything? Giving dad another tie or tool belt seems silly at this stage of the game. Try going deeper. Gift your father something that will create a memory and nourish his heart and soul.

Here are some heartwarming Father’s Day gift ideas that will bring you and that special dad in your life even closer together:

Share some laughs. Many researchers believe that laughter can cure what ails ya! According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter can also keep you healthy. It can increase oxygen to the heart, lungs and muscles, increase the endorphins that are released by your brain, improve your mood and reduce physical pain.

Get together with your father and share some laughs. Invite dad to come over to watch a funny Netflix movie or comedy special. Funny films can relieve stress, and ease anxiety and depression; it can put you both in a better mood. You will find yourselves feeling much better and happier once the movie finishes than you did before it started. Not to mention, the bonding time that is spent sharing laughs with your father; it is priceless shared enjoyment.

Reminisce. What is better than reminiscing about those warm and fuzzy times growing up? Invite dad out to grab a cup of coffee, or bite to eat, to just talk about the good old days. Bring up your naughty little childhood escapades that you know dad will now find funny. Thank him for those special times you shared that will always warm your heart. Surprise him with a few photos of captured shared magical times. Photos have the power to transport you back to those good moments in time. Photos are also wonderful memory holders because they can also bring loved ones who’ve passed away back to you.

Research shows that as seniors remember the past, new pathways form in the brain that help with communication. Also, it gives them an opportunity to practice communicating in a way that is meaningful to them.

Cook a meal together. Food brings people together, period! In recent years, there has been more research into cooking as a therapy. Cooking with your dad will be a bonding experience. It is also great for your dad’s physical and mental state. Physically, cooking helps maintain dexterity and good hand-eye coordination through motions such as cutting, stirring or kneading.

Mentally, cooking can help seniors stay active as it requires focus, planning, remembering and following through with the recipe. Cooking wit your dad will also be a positive experience even if he has early signs of dementia because it will keep him in touch with memories. Just think of all the happy memories you’ve shared with your father that have been associated with food and cooking.

Another plus you will experience by cooking with dad is that it is widely known, how appetites decrease with age. By engaging your father to partake in the making of his foods, you increase the likelihood of him finishing his meals.

Volunteer. Volunteer with your dad. There are a ton of volunteer opportunities in most towns. You’ll need to do some pre-planning to see what is available. Perhaps there is a beach or neighborhood clean-up or an opportunity to read at a local library’s story time. However you choose to give back, you can do so together.

Take a road trip. Jump in a car, crank up your dad’s favorite tunes and take the scenic route. Whether your destination is a beach, park, or even a visit to your dad’s boyhood home, this trip will definitely create a lasting memory for you both.