Macabre Smile
You graze on compliments
yet sour like rotten grapes
when all is not centered on you.
The tuning fork between your ears
perks up at the mere mention of…
“your” name for any accomplishment.
Odd that you have become deaf
and mute should any accolade become
remotely attached to my success…
As if our world would implode
due to lack of recognition towards only you.
I watch you wither and wilt
as if your oasis has been sucked dry.
How remiss of me not to recognize
the macabre smile tightening your eyes
as I rise higher to thunderous applause.
You are the master of machination.
A true emperor of deceit and manipulation
and I despise my weakness for…
loving any part of you that keeps
me held captive with false hope
and insatiable lust…
By Karen Mariano Bryson
Karen Mariano Bryson is a Virginia-based published poet whose works has been featured in several volumes, most recently in Twilight Musings. She is the recipient of three “Outstanding Achievement In Poetry” silver bowls and is also featured in The Sound Of Poetry 3-CD compilation.