Dawnn Lewis opens up about her Different World
We remember Abbey Lincoln
Black History Month: Fashion trailblazer Ophelia DeVore
Racists, we are coming for you!
Do your elderly loved ones need a medical alert system?
Tips to help keep your brain healthy
Tired? Rundown? You might have a Vitamin B12 deficiency
Dating tips for silver singles post-divorce
Gotta love creamy cheesy grits for dinner
Scrub, sweep, repeat: Is cleaning ruling your life?
Take the chill out with bean soup
We love the poem...Paint Me with Your Voice
History-maker Ophelia DeVore was one of the first African-American models in the U.S., owner of the legendary Grace Del Marco Modeling Agency, and The...
Many folks are afraid that aging will automatically result in dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Not so! Occasional forgetfulness is a normal part of the...