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Your guide to personal lubricants


After you reach your seasoned years, sex ain’t what it used to be! Intercourse may not feel as good as it once did because moving on in years can bring on new challenges. For women, menopause can result in thinning vaginal tissues and dryness due to a lack of estrogen, so, intimacy becomes uncomfortable or even painful for many.

If your vajayjay is like the Sahara Desert, you’ll need a lubricant to bring on relief during sex.

Lubricants come in different varieties—oil, water-based, silicone-based, natural, and warming and each offering has pluses and minuses.

Oil-based lubricants: Products like mineral oil, petroleum jelly, vegetable oil, baby oil, and hand creams are recommended only for self-pleasuring. Petroleum jelly and baby oil can leave a coating on the rectum or vagina that can up your chances of getting a bacterial infection. Never use oil-based lubes with condoms because they can disintegrate the latex. Mineral oil (found in many lotions) can also cut down on a condom’s protection against STDs by as much as 90 percent. In addition, oil can put a hurting on your nice sheets by permanently staining them.

Water-based lubricants: Many women prefer these lubes because they seem to intensify pleasure during sex. This type of lube will not react negatively with latex condoms. They are also not as likely to cause vaginal discomfort. If you get lube on your sheets, a simple swish with plain water will get the stain out. There are two kinds of water-based lubes—with and without glycerin. Since glycerin has a slightly sweet taste, women who often get yeast infections will want to steer clear because sugar encourages the growth of yeast. Water-based lubes without glycerin– Liquid Silk and Play. Brands containing glycerin–KY Jelly, Sylk, Astroglide, Probe, and Aqua Lube.

Silicone-based lubricants: These long-lasting lubes will not damage latex condoms. It can also be used for sexual play in the water because it will not rinse off easily like the water-based lube. There have been complaints from women who’ve stated that vaginal irritation has occurred if the silicone-based lube has not been completely washed away after sex. Silicone-based lubes should not be used with silicone sex toys because the combination will bring on discomfort. These lubes are also not very tasty. Silicone lube brands–Wet Platinum, Eros, Pjur, and ID Millennium.

Natural lubricants: These products are free from harsh ingredients like parabens which are irritants. You’ll have some of the same issues with natural lubricants as you would with conventional brands. Water-based lubricants can dry up quickly, while oil-based lubricants can damage latex condoms. Natural lube brands—Good Clean Love, Organic Glide Natural Personal Lubricant, and Shine Organic.

Warming lubricants: The warming sensation in these lubes come from ingredients like menthol and capsaicin. Many women swear these warming lubes can take them to new heights orgasmically. Despite the great promotion, some women have reported vaginal stinging or burning from the warming lubes. Warming lube brands—K-Y Yours + Mine, Lifestyles Excite, and Zestra.

The bottom line, if a lubricant brings on discomfort, stop using it immediately! Consult your doctor for a lube recommendation that is right for you.

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