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We love these clever 12 grooming tips for men and women


The health and beauty industry rakes in an astounding $90 billion-plus a year! Why? Well, the answer is simple. We are always looking for the next best beauty product that will make us look better overall. As a matter of fact, according to a WWD Beauty Inc. report last year, African American women spent $7.5 billion per year on beauty products. To top it off, we spent 80 percent more money on cosmetics and twice as much on skincare than the mainstream female market.

Something is terribly wrong if we spent that much money but are grossly ignored by mainstream brands!

But I digress….

Grooming products are ever-changing, but if there’s one constant, it’s that we want our routines to be as straightforward, time-saving and inexpensive as possible (especially since many of us are on fixed incomes).

Here at, we love offering tried-and-true grooming tips for both women and men that will get the job done and for less money.

1) Shaving cream for clothing stains. Got foundation on your favorite top? Don’t panic! Spray some shaving cream on the stain, let it sit for about 10 minutes, carefully blot with a clean cloth, then rinse with cool water. Shaving cream also does a great job at breaking down stubborn food and grease stains, like coffee or mustard stains from clothing or carpets.

2) Bright red lipstick for undereye dark circles. It is hard to find a good concealer that will really coverup dark undereye circles that appear more pronounced when you wake up. The pigment in red lipstick cancels out the dark more effectively than standard concealer.

3) Elmer’s glue for a lasting nail polish. Ok, this might seem weird but applying a thin coat of a PVA glue like Elmer’s to your nails before painting them makes the polish last longer.

4) Coconut oil for a smooth shave. Coconut oil is a beautiful moisturizer and makes your face so soft to the touch. Men tend to benefit the most from using coconut oil as their shaving cream. Once the coconut oil moisturizes the skin, it diminishes your chances of attaining cuts, nicks, as well as razor burns. Shaving using clear coconut oil might seem absurd at first but it, in fact, makes it easier to see what you are shaving.

5) Turmeric face mask for skin problems. Turmeric face mask is gaining popularity to help address certain skin concerns like hyperpigmentation (dark patches of skin), skin irritation, and it can even reduce fine lines, wrinkles and facial swelling. Turmeric may even possibly be of benefit with inflammation related to skin diseases such as psoriasis. The yellow powder may also treat and prevent bacteria in the skin that can otherwise contribute to acne cysts and staph infections. There’s even the possibility that turmeric, along with other healthy lifestyle habits, may reduce the chances of skin cancer but more studies are needed. Turmeric may also stain your skin and clothing, so make sure you use extra care when mixing up your own recipe:

No matter which recipe you choose, leave the mask on for about 10 minutes at a time. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and follow up with desired toner, serum, and moisturizer.

6) Vaseline for fragrance staying power. If you want your fragrance to last all day, just put a thin layer of Vaseline on your wrists and neck before spraying the scent. The Vaseline will hold it, making it last much longer.

7) Pantyliners to stop underarm sweat stains. Pantyliners are designed to stick and stay in place all day, so if you’re tired of annoying underarm sweat stains, worry no more! Firmly stick a liner to the underarms of the shirt and you are good to go!

8) Aspirin to combat blemishes. Plain generic aspirin is not expensive. Grind aspirin down into a paste and mix it with water, before applying it as a face mask. The mask can reportedly help combat acne, tighten wrinkles, and even help soothe irritated skin.

9) Toothpaste for healthy looking nails. If you have dull looking nails simply scrub them with toothpaste. Leave it for a few minutes and wipe it off to reveal bright, healthy-looking nails.

10) Banana peel to whiten teeth. Rubbing the inside of a banana peel on your teeth and leaving it on for a few minutes will produce a whitening effect. The peel is full of magnesium and potassium that can benefit the teeth.

11) Potatoes to brighten dark armpits. You can also use them to brighten up dark underarms, but not many people know this fact. Simply grate a couple of potatoes and scrub your armpits with them. The starch in the potato helps lighten your dark pits so that you are strapless or sleeveless-top ready.

12) Tea bags to stop shoe odors. Got stinky shoes? Forget those expensive Odor-Eaters! Sticking tea bags into shoes and leaving them in overnight will cut the funk.

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