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Tips on how to cut those fake friends loose!

At this stage of the game, who the heck has time for the drama that comes along with fake friends? Are there folks in your life who are toxic? You know, the ones who bring you down, instead of lift you up. If you have fake friendships in your life, then it is time to cut them loose!

Fake friends are downright dangerous and can distract you from positivity. These negative folks are the ones who poke fun, and then rob you of your self-worth, and confidence. They discourage you from doing things like going to the gym, or developing a healthier lifestyle. They will find ways to make you stay in a bad love relationship. They just cannot share in your joy! It is often difficult to distance yourself from these toxic people because they tend to be clingy.

If you have fake friends in your life, and you need to cut them loose, here are a few tips on how to do so:

Identify that the toxic relationship is harming you. Fake friends manipulate and try to control or navigate a relationship. They are hard to please, never own up to their negative behaviors, and rarely apologize. Keep in mind that assessing what traits cause the mistreatment of you doesn’t mean you are to blame. Fake friends are still to blame, but knowing this, will help you avoid them targeting you in the future.

Say it, like you mean it. Fake friends will often not respond to “go away!” If you try to create some space between you and the toxic person, they might become even more clingy. You cannot mince words when it comes to kicking fake friends to the curb. Be extremely assertive and direct with the person about your intentions, then keep a necessary distance to make sure your message isn’t misunderstood. If the negative person is a family member, and it’s impossible to make a clean break, you can still establish clear limits for your interactions (be it, you will only speak on the phone once a month, or you will only visit during the holidays).

Stick to your guns! Fake friends will often try to sneak back into your life; don’t let them! Ignore their calls and texts, and block them on all social media platforms. Don’t respond to their emails. Don’t let a few months go by of no communication, and then circle back to see how they are doing! Once you have cut off a fake friend, don’t revisit the relationship. Love the new space you’ve created in your life that is healthier without the poisonous pal.

You can’t change a fake friend, so don’t try! Fake friends don’t want your help. They want folks to just put up with their nonsense. They are smart, cunning, and plain old negative; they are always looking to stir up some trouble. These people fail to see how hurtful they are to others, and in some sick way, they are gleeful about it.

Don’t normalize an unhealthy behavior. Emotional or verbal abuse is NEVER OK; it is not acceptable! If you allow bad behavior to continue, a fake friend will think you are fine with the way they’re treating you. Once they know you’re a difficult target to hit, fake friends will eventually give up. Learn to prioritize your own happiness and sanity.

Breaking up with a fake friend might be hard but… The more time you spend with a fake friend, will mean less time uplifting YOU. Clear space in your life for those folks who are inspiring, upbeat, authentic, godly, and who put a smile on your face. Words to live by…energy flows where attention goes! 

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