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Is it time to take your parent’s car keys away?

Getting old is certainly no picnic and there are many who can attest to this. Aging can oftentimes bring on a slew of physical and emotional problems that can make maneuvering a vehicle a pretty perilous situation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are 36 million licensed drivers, age 65 and over in the U.S. Unfortunately, an average of 586 of these adults are injured daily in car crashes. At some point, the relationship dynamic between our parents and ourselves will change and as it is oftentimes the case, we will become charged with managing every aspect of their lives. It’s sad to think that someday, your elderly parents will have to surrender their car keys for safety’s sake and the transition to life without a car will definitely be challenging for them. Here are some tips that will help get the senior in your life to hand over their car keys:

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