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Myths about the little blue pill–Viagra

Before the age of 40, less than 10 percent of men have concerns about their erections, after that, more than 50 percent complain of problems, and it becomes a serious concern for the vast majority of those 70-plus. These changes that occur north of 40 are normal and unfortunately, inevitable. Just as men develop grey hair as they hit those middle years, their blood vessels also start to age.  Fatty deposits start to affect blood vessels. This lack of blood also means that some of the tissue around the vessels becomes deprived of oxygen which can be a trigger for erectile dysfunction (ED).  Viagra is prescribed to help with ED and has aided millions of men all over the globe. There are, however, many myths attached to the little blue pill that needs to be dispelled and we’re here to help!

  1. Viagra is the only prescription that treats erectile dysfunction or ED.

False. There are quite a few medications that a physician can prescribe to treat ED. Levitra, Sildenafil, and Cialis are three of the more common meds that address this issue. Cialis lasts for around 36 hours compared with only 4 to 6 hours for Viagra. Sildenafil is far less expensive than Viagra. It contains the same active ingredient as Viagra. Levitra takes about 30 minutes to start working and the effects last a little longer than Viagra about 5 hours. Other ED treatments include Caverject injections, MUSE pellets, and Vitaros cream.

2. You’ll have a permanent erection until the effect wears off.

False.  Viagra does not cause a man to be sexually aroused. Viagra is only effective if you are already sexually aroused. 

3. You will have an instant erection within seconds.

False. On average, Viagra becomes effective in just under an hour when you take a tablet on an empty stomach. Viagra can remain effective for between four and six hours. If you take it after a meal that has a high-fat content, it may take longer than an hour to become effective.

4. Viagra will definitely work the first time.

False. There are many men who will not experience a thing the first time they pop a blue pill. Just because nothing happens the first time you take Viagra does NOT mean the drug won’t work eventually.   Physicians recommend that you try the prescription at least eight times before upping the dose or discussing another alternative.

5. Viagra will provide an aphrodisiac effect

False. Viagra will help you have sex but won’t boost your sex drive.

6. Viagra protects against STD’s

False. The drug does not offer any protection whatsoever against sexually transmitted diseases. If you’re in doubt about someone’s sexual health status, DO wear a condom.

7. If you take more Viagra than prescribed you will boost its effectiveness.

False. Never exceed the prescribed amount of your medication! Do not take Viagra with another ED medication.

8. Viagra has no real side effects.

False. Every single drug has side effects. Viagra’s side effects are mild for the most part, not very lasting and the most common ones are headache, dizziness and facial flushing. Less frequently, men taking Viagra have reported indigestion, a stuffy nose and a blue tint to the vision. If any of these reactions persist, stop taking the drug and call your doctor.

9. Viagra can be taken by most men.

False. Men should discuss the risks and benefits of any ED medication with their physician. It is advised however that those who have any of the following conditions avoid taking Viagra:

10. You don’t need a prescription for Viagra.

False. You absolutely DO need a prescription for Viagra. You should only get a prescription for the medication from your healthcare provider, and not order it from a suspect source like many of those fake online pharmacies.

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