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Ladies, reclaim your sensuality!

Sisters of a certain age, sensuality is more than physical; it’s a state of mind. The feminine eros, its inherent range and innate power is intense. Over time, far too many of us have snuffed out our feminine flame.

Many of us are now size sexy. Aunt Flow has taken her final curtain call and this is one less bell to answer, praise the Lord! We are vintage – premium, infused with wisdom and experience. We aren’t interested in negative labels and lowered expectations for aging. We want more than a life of disease avoidance and physical decline. Yes, we, are every woman; we can cast a spell and we do it naturally.

In actuality, being 50-plus should trigger a sensuality alarm clock. We finally have the time and the means to discover ourselves sexually, and this exploration should now become a priority in our lives. We simply cannot tolerate missing out on what is possible for us, and should set out on a journey of sensual self-discovery.

After all, we are wired for untamed wildness!

It’s time we ascend to take our rightful seat on our goddess throne. We all need to align ourselves with our feminine power!

Fall in love with YOU

If you don’t fall in love with yourself, others will only hold a mirror to your self-loathing, rejection, and feelings of inadequacy. Once you realize all that you possess, you will feel the gaze of adoration from others!

Invite yourself to your own dance fest

Music is freeing, so dance like no one is watching! Blast your favorite songs, let the music fill the room and move your body to the rhythms. Gyrate those hips, and shake that booty to those old school beats. Whether you’re step-dancing, doing the Electric Slide, Cupid Shuffle, or even the Twist, allow your body to freely feel the passion and just release.

Walk the walk of self-care

Sensuality can only be enjoyed if you take care of yourself. Create a plan of self-care to stay healthy and stick to it. Get regular check-ups, exercise, and fortify your body with food that fuels. Taking care of you is a great act of self-love.

Cultivate positivity

Drop the shoulda, coulda, woulda talk from your vocabulary. Don’t let negativity hold you hostage. When you make space for positivity in your life, you radiate. Others feel it and they want a piece of it too. It’s this lightness and sparkle with the gravity of a well-examined life, deeply held beliefs, and an open heart that adds up to true radiance.

Vanity is welcomed

Blow sultry kisses upon seeing your reflection in a mirror or even a storefront window. “Who’s that lady? Beautiful lady? Real fine lady?” Love your total being. Feel set free by your own self-decoration, so wear makeup, sexy outfits. Find that naughty lingerie you have in the back of your dresser drawer and produce your own selfie photo shoot; share if ya likes!

Pamper yourself in a bathtub

Immerse yourself in a warm bath scented with essential oils like lavender or sandalwood, and surrounded by sensuous flickering candles. Listen to the seductive sounds of Smokey or Marvin. Titillate your palate with a glass of bubbly while nibbling on dark chocolate truffles. The benefits of bathing are ancient and intrinsic to our beings; think of Cleopatra bathing in milk. As your body floats and softens, your mind can’t help but follow suit giving you a thoughtless calm to reconnect with yourself, your body and indulge in nature’s best ingredients.

Increase orgasmic pleasure

As our bodies age, chronic aches and pains can become more common, but having an orgasm releases a hormone that raises your pain threshold. Genital self-stimulation can reduce arthritic pain, and in some cases even headaches. Having an orgasm releases prolactin, and this can bring on feelings of relaxation and sleepiness. An orgasm before turning in might just help with a good nights sleep — something that many of us 50-plussers no longer experience on a regular basis.

Wise women, embrace your divine sensuality!

I Move Beautiful

I am beautiful


I move beautiful

I evolved

from a noble Nile-building

enterprising society

where my 2 prominent pyramids

are feeling titillating

high-frequency palpitations

as melanin swirls

thru me



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