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Dr. Derek Griffith discusses the alarming state of Black men’s health

Dr. Derek Griffith

There are alarming health disparities that still persist between Blacks and whites. It seems Black men are walking time bombs, plagued by such illnesses as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, obesity, drug abuse or AIDS. The most common cancers for Black men are prostate, lung and colorectal. Black men also smoke more than any other racial group. As far as life expectancy, if you’re a Black man, premature death looms as you can expect to die on average, five years sooner at age 71.8 years old, than your white counterparts. An even more sobering set of facts, Black men have death rates due to suicide and homicide at least twice those of any other segment of the population.  Older Black men between the ages of 45 and 64 also tend to become afflicted with diseases sooner and harder.

The dismal statistics regarding our men do bear out the reason for great concern, yet ironically, many still hold ethnic expectations that they need to be physically and emotionally tough. Sadly, many Black macho men believe they will survive any ailment that strikes and will continue to self-diagnose and engage in doctor-avoidance tactics until a loved one pushes them out the door as they kick and scream to seek medical treatment.

According to Derek Griffith, Ph.D., associate professor of Medicine, Health & Society and the founder and director of the Center for Research on Men’s Health at Vanderbilt University, Black men tend to lend more importance to their roles as providers, fathers, spouses, and community members instead of refocusing on themselves and delving into behaviors that will keep them healthy longer. Dr. Griffith agrees that by flipping the script on the way Black men interact with medical providers, they can get a jump on many life-threatening diseases. Dr. Griffith spoke with 50BOLD about the poor state of Black men’s health and even offers remedies on how to change some very detrimental behaviors.

50BOLD: What is really going on with our Black men, healthwise in this country?

Dr. Griffith: It’s not good. Men tend to live shorter lives than women and shorter lives than men in other high-income countries. Black men tend to live sicker and die younger than other groups of men and Black women. While everyone is living longer than we did years ago, for some reason Black men’s health isn’t benefitting from the range of things that are helping Americans and others live longer.

50BOLD: Are Black men guilty of being negligent when it comes to taking care of themselves?

Dr. Griffith: Well, let me say it this way. When we judge Black men in our community and in the U.S., we don’t do so based on their health. We judge them based on their employment, ability to provide for their children, and roles in their families, religious institutions, and community, particularly when men are middle-aged. If men are unhealthy or die young but do well in these areas, we say he was a “good man” or had a “good life.” Men tend to focus their attention on the areas of life that we use to judge them as men over their health. They often don’t want their minds and lives cluttered with health issues that they assume, they can’t do anything about or that based on their family history, they assume is inevitable.

50BOLD: What should Black men do to step up their health game?

Dr. Griffith: Here are some of my recommendations regarding what Black men can do to improve their health status:

50BOLD: Are barbershops a good place to bring up tough topics about health? Can the conversations there keep our men healthy and if so, why?

Dr. Griffith:  Barbershop conversations can help keep Black men healthy or get them to be healthier but this all depends on the nature of the conversation. Barbershops can be great places to learn about what is going on in the community but like any other community setting, it is not always the place to get the most up to date or accurate information about health. The connection and support that Black men get from their barbers and barbershops can be critically important because it’s such an essential haven to connect socially, honestly and to be themselves.

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